By Owner Sales
"Connecting Buyers and Sellers"
By Owner Sales
PO Box 14095
Spokane Valley, WA

Privacy Policy

At By Owner Sales, we take your privacy very seriously. This policy states what happens to your personal information when you use our Web sites. This policy does not apply to the companies and websites that we advertise or endorse. Please visit their Web sites for their policy regarding how they handle personal information.

What We Collect
When you use our sites we collect several pieces of information including your name, email address, phone number, your ad, your feedback, discussions and posts to our message boards, and where applicable physical or billing address, and billing information. Additionally, our servers collect information when you view our site or post an ad or reponse, including browser information, referrer information, timestamp, page URL, and your IP address. Our servers collect this information to analyze trends, administer the site, improve site performance, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

For free ads, we require a valid phone number and email address. Paid ads require all information necessary for billing purposes including credit card, bank, and check information.

What Happens to Information We Collect
Primarily you can expect that your ad, comments, feedback, and phone number will be published for all the World Wide Web to see. Most email addresses are hidden from public view. However, any web user may responded to your ad. Replying will disclose your email address to those who respond to your ad. We publish not only to the Web, but also to a list of email subscribers, partner websites, and print publications. Your ad may appear in these places, as well.

We may retain all correspondence whether made by fax, email, or an online form. We may aggregate, categorize, and analyze the information received. Further, we may use the ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in your correspondence to develop, manufacture, and market products or services.

Electronic information is kept on secured networks. Printed and written information is supervised or secured at all times. Although we make a good faith effort to keep all information secure, we cannot guarantee complete security or integrity of the information. All information is stored indefinitely.

Much of our billing is done though PayPal. Their privacy policy is

Many search engines and other sites archive or otherwise make available the content published on our site. Presently, we allow it so that people might find your ad more readily.

What We Don't Do
Although we publish a website of ads that make people's phone numbers publicly available, we do not make or sell a simplified list of such information. Further, we discourage the use of number and email harvesters.

We do not knowingly collect information from a person under the age of 13. If we discover an ad was submitted by someone under 13, we will remove the ad from publication. Further, we make every attempt to remove age information placed by young people 13 years and older.

We do not make available for download nor cause to download to the computers of users of our sites, programs that collect information about Web browsing habits or cause unsolicited advertising such as ad-ware, spy-ware, or browser hijacks.

What We Recommend
We recommend a few ideas for safer buying and selling.

1. Create and use a unique email address for online buying and selling.
3. Only place items on our site that that you want to be public.
2. Do not use an unlisted phone number.
4. Do not reply to messages offering more than the asking price.

By Owner Sales sites may set and access cookies on your computer. We use cookies to estimate and report our total audience size and traffic and conduct research to improve our content and services.

Law Enforcement and Third Parties

By Owner Sales will provide information to law enforcement agencies. We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims. We share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of our terms of use, or as otherwise required by law.

In order to protect our site and its users against potential fraud, we may verify with third parties the information you provide.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may update this policy. Please stay informed of our current privacy policy by returning here.